Green Building Tooltips

The EmiratesGBC Green Building Tooltips, supported by Taqati and powered by BASF & Rain Bird, is a rich online resource serving to provide useful information on green building practices. The Green Building Tooltips provide relevant information on green buildings for an audience of varying levels of technical capacity and are a valuable referral place for home-owners and developers, as well as for commercial building owners and tenants, architects, interior designers, planners and for educational institutions and healthcare providers.

Easy to navigate and access, the Tooltips feature three building typologies: Home, Office, and Schools and feature a section for Lifestyle & Awareness.

All three building types are supported by interactive tip boxes that suggest sustainability measures to address specific methods or technologies and behavioral changes that can be exercised by owners and occupants to improve their structures’ sustainability. When applied, the best practices can make a tangible difference for a greener environment. In addition to achieving savings on utility bills, the tips suggested will help reduce the carbon footprint of your built environment.

Home Tooltips

Home Tooltips

Office Tooltips

Office Tooltips


School Tooltips

Lifestyle Awareness

lifestyle Awareness