Course Dates






Advanced (In-person)

Introductory (Online)

Advanced (Online)

Meet The Facilitatores


The Building Retrofit Training is delivered by industry experts with experience in Building Retrofit projects across the region. The facilitators will take you through the course content providing real life examples and case studies to support discussion in the classroom or online sessions.

Course Fees

A 20% discount is applicable for EGBC Corporate, Individual Members, Group Bookings (3 or more) & Khalifa University (including Masdar Institute) Students




Course Fees (AED)

Course Fees (Members & Partners) (AED)

Examination Re-sit Fees (AED)

Prices above are inclusive of 5% VAT.


Who should enroll for the Building Retrofit Program?
Industry Professionals, Building Owners, Building Operators, and end-users will all benefit from the BRT course.

The Introductory course is a Beginner course suitable for all levels of technical capacity, while the Advanced course is recommended for industry professionals with prior qualifications and some industry experience looking to build their capacity on retrofit.

Where are the courses taking place?
Courses are offered in both Abu Dhabi and Dubai for in person training. We also offer online courses which are delivered through 4 hour modules in our virtual classroom.
Should I enroll for the Introductory or Advanced Building Retrofit Course?

Courses are offered at two levels Introductory: this is a beginner level training provides foundational knowledge of sustainability to primarily non-technical participants and industry professionals who want an overview of viable retrofit methods applicable in the Gulf region.

Advanced: this is an advanced course training that provides relatively more technical knowledge than the introduction course, and prepares candidates for inclusion into ongoing retrofit projects and a streamlining of their own technical capacity for more effective post-retrofit maintenance and preventive care. It is recommended that participants have some technical education and prior industry experience. This is a 16 hour course and examination.

What type of accreditation does the Building Retrofit Training Program offer?
The Building Retrofit Training program is currently an in-house training program which can complement other recognized certifications such as LEED, CEM and the like. Participants attending both days of the Advanced course and achieving a pass mark of 70% on the examination will become certified EmiratesGBC Building Retrofit Specialists.
Are the Building Retrofit Training Courses eligible for Continued Education Hours?
Eligibility for Continued Education hours are currently under review. Stay tuned for more updates on this space.
Is Introductory course a prerequisite to the Advanced course?
The Introductory course is not a prerequisite for the Advanced course and both are stand alone courses. The Introductory course is recommended for industry and non-technical professionals wishing to gain an overview of retrofit methods. The Advanced course is recommend for technical professionals who wish to increase their knowledge of retrofit methods.
Is the Building Retrofit Training Program recognized by the UAE government? Is it mandatory for green building regulations?
The Building Retrofit Training Program is operated in partnership with the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy and Masdar and supports the technical capacity toward achieving energy efficiency in existing buildings in the Middle East, being conversant with the Demand Side Management Strategy 2030. It is a voluntary training program and is not mandated under the current UAE regulations.

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Advanced & Introductory Course