Award Categories

The MENA Green Building Awards recognizes projects, organisations and products achieving excellence through 16 distinct categories that represent the diversity of sustainability activity in the MENA region. Open to projects and organisations operating in the Middle East and North Africa, the below sets out the eligibility criteria for each category and details of how to apply for each one.
To check out the general applicant guidelines please click here.
Award 1: Net Zero Energy Building Project of the Year
The Net Zero Energy Building Project of the Year category rewards a designed, under construction or completed building whose design, construction and completion has targeted/achieved a nearly zero, net zero or net positive energy status.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
Includes all respective building typologies that have achieved or targeted a nearly zero, net zero, or net positive energy status in the MENA region as per the time frame (2022 or thereafter) and before the official Awards deadline. Submissions from any key stakeholder involved in the project (designer, architect, contractor, owner) and joint submissions are allowed. See below for definitions:
- Nearly Zero Energy Office or Residence Building (nZEB) in the UAE is be defined as a highly energy efficient building with a site Energy Use Intensity less than 90 kWh/m2/year and covers a significant portion of its annual energy use by renewable energy sources produced on-site or off-.
- A Net Zero or Net Positive Energy Building, with a similar Energy Use Intensity as a nZEB, covers all its annual onsite energy demand through prioritization of on-site, then off-site renewable energy generation.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: technical documentation to illustrate the information provided. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 2: Existing Sustainable Building Project of the Year
The Existing Sustainable Building Project of the Year rewards a completed building (Hotel, Commercial, Residential, School, Healthcare Building, Public Building, etc) in the MENA region whose construction and completion has respected the highest sustainability standards and included innovation in design and processes.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
Includes all respective buildings that have beenoperational for at least 12 months in the MENA region and before the official Awards deadline, showing excellence in terms of design, construction site management, waste and green . Designs and “in progress” projects will not be accepted. Submissions from any key stakeholder involved in the project (designer, architect, contractor, owner) and joint submissions are allowed.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: technical documentation to illustrate the information provided. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 3: Sustainable Design Project of the Year
The Sustainable Design Project of the Year category rewards the sustainable design of a building or urban community development in planning or under construction in the MENA region.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
Design of a building or an urban/community development finalized in 2022 or thereafter in the MENA region whose plans/master plans, characteristics and drawings respect the highest sustainability standards and include innovation and creativity with respect to its occupants and the surrounding environment. The design shows excellence in terms of design, site management, regulations/codes and green standards. It considers all regulations and sustainability criteria relevant to the location and planned usage of the final building or development.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: drawings, certificates and approval from the authorities, working plans with regard to the project’s green components and targets LEED/Estidama/BREEAM or national equivalent. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 4: Healthy Spaces Project of the Year
The Healthy Spaces Project of the Year category rewards the best healthy space project in the MENA region.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A completed building or fit-out in the MENA region finalized in 2022 or thereafter, and operational for at least 12 months, whose design, construction and completion prioritizes occupant health and well-being and has respected the highest well-being standards and includes innovation and creativity with respect to its occupants and the surrounding environment. Designs and “in progress” projects will not be accepted. Submissions from any key stakeholder involved in the project (designer, architect, contractor, owner) and joint submissions are allowed.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: technical documentation to illustrate the information provided. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 5: Sustainable Retrofit Project of the Year
The Sustainable Retrofit Project of the Year category rewards the successful implementation and achievements of a sustainable retrofit project on a building.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A Sustainable Retrofit project finalized in 2022 or thereafter of an existing building in the MENA region, (irrespective of its operational purpose, date of opening and location) that contributed to significant energy/water savings, improved IAQ and contributed to making the building more sustainable. The winning submission will not only be selected based on the level of energy/water savings; the project will be assessed in its entirety.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: pre/post project data and pictures to illustrate the nature, objectives and conclusions of the work. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 6: Sustainable Facility Management Organization of the Year
The Sustainable Facility Management Organization of the Year rewards a Facility Management (FM) organization for its commitments towards sustainability.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A FM organization which has been in operation for at least a year, located in the MENA region for residential, commercial and/or industrial properties, showing excellence in delivering key FM services to its building portfolio and gives sustainability and environmental stewardship a great place in its activities.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: any documentation to illustrate the information provided in the synopsis. Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 7: Sustainable Contractor of the Year
The Sustainable Contractor of the Year category rewards the achievements, professionalism and passion of a contracting organization towards improving the sustainability of the built environment.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A MENA based contractor company which has been in operation for at least a year, has already completed projects, and holds a valid trade license in the country it operates, demonstrating the highest green standards on project sites and within the company, in compliance with the national and international regulations and codes.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: valid trade license; any relevant documents which would complement the synopsis. Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 8: Sustainable Developer of the Year
The Sustainable Developer of the Year category rewards the achievements, professionalism and passion of a developer towards improving the sustainability of the built environment.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A MENA based contractor company which has been in operation for at least a year, has already completed projects, and holds a valid trade license in the country it operates, demonstrating the highest green standards on project sites and within the company, in compliance with the national and international regulations and codes.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: valid trade license; any relevant documents which would complement the synopsis. Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 9: Sustainable Consultant of the Year
The Sustainable Consultant of the Year category rewards the achievements, professionalism and passion of a consultancy towards improving the sustainability of the built environment.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A MENA-based consultancy company which has been in operation for at least a year, has already completed projects and holds a valid trade license in the country it operates, demonstrating leadership, exemplarity, and passion in sharing sustainable building best practices and providing the market with innovative ideas and relevant technical skills and qualifications and credentials.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: valid trade license; any relevant documents which would complement the synopsis. Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 10: Sustainable Manufacturer of the Year
The Sustainable Manufacturer of the Year Award rewards the achievements, professionalism and passion of a manufacturer towards improving the sustainability of the built environment.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A MENA-based manufacturing company which has been in operation for at least a year, has already completed projects and holds a valid trade license in the country it operates, demonstrating leadership, exemplarity, and passion in sharing sustainable best practices and providing the market with innovative solutions through materials that help in achieving sustainability and reducing embodied carbon.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: valid trade license; any relevant documents which would complement the synopsis. Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 11: Sustainable Building Product of the Year – Indoor Air Quality
Award 11 rewards the successful introduction of a product/component which addresses indoor air quality. This Award considers the products’ function, its form, and the location of its production.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A product/component which addresses indoor air quality, including but not limited to paints, sealants, controls…introduced to the MENA region or a specific location in the region, in 2022 or thereafter, and not previously available in the MENA region, leads to significantly improved sustainability performance over business as usual
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 12: Sustainable Building Product of the Year – Energy Management
The Sustainable Building Product of the Year – Energy Management category rewards the successful introduction of a construction material or product/component which addresses energy management. This Award takes into account the products’ function, its form and the location of its production.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A product/component which addresses energy management, including but not limited to HVAC and ventilation equipment, insulation materials, controls, lighting solutions, renewable energy production/management…introduced to the MENA region or a specific location in the region, in 2022 or thereafter, and not previously available in the MENA region, leads to significantly improved sustainability performance over business as usual.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 13: Sustainable Building Product of the Year – Water Management
The Sustainable Building Material of the Year – Construction Material category rewards the successful introduction of a construction material. This Award considers the products’ function, its form, and the location of its production.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A construction material introduced to the MENA region or a specific location in the region, in 2022 or thereafter, and not previously available in the MENA region, leads to significantly improved sustainability performance over business as usual.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 14: Sustainable Building Material of the Year – Construction Material
The Sustainable Building Material of the Year – Construction Material category rewards the successful introduction of a construction material. This Award considers the products’ function, its form, and the location of its production.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
A construction material introduced to the MENA region or a specific location in the region, in 2022 or thereafter, and not previously available in the MENA region, leads to significantly improved sustainability performance over business as usual.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: Commercial documents (marketing brochures, flyers, ads…) will not be considered as relevant materials for this category. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.
Award 15: Sustainable Building Research Award
The Sustainable Building Research Award category rewards research that establishes dependable data and information, in an area not previously available, related to sustainable building performance.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
Research should deal with the performance of materials, components, equipment or completed buildings and should be applicable to the MENA region. It should provide replicable verified data which can be used by the industry in the further development of sustainable buildings. Academic-style research is expected, i.e. research projects to test specific products/systems might not be eligible. Organizations which conduct testing and research on products might not be eligible; it remains at the discretion of the Office or the Awards Committee to assess whether such an organization’s application fulfils the requirements and can be presented to the Judging Panel.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: the entire research itself and its annex files.
Award 16: Sustainability Training Initiative of the Year
The Sustainability Training Initiative of the Year category rewards the best sustainability training initiative in the MENA region.
Click here to download this category’s application guidelines.
An organization (public, private and Academia sectors) which implemented training initiatives, internally (staff, management) or to the attention of the public (community development) or other professionals in the MENA region. The initiative took place in 2022 or thereafter and addressed topics relevant to the construction industry and/or sustainable buildings-related topics. It remains at the discretion of the Office or the Awards Committee to assess whether a submitted training fulfils the eligibility requirements and can be presented to the Judging Panel.
Mandatory submission
- Filled online application form, with answers relevant to the application questions.
- One (1) annex document: verifiable data on the course(s), their content, their implementation, and their internal coverage. Kindly note that the supporting document cannot exceed 10 pages in length.